Jun 26, 2018
Ep65 is with David Davidson of the band Revocation. It was great to reconnect with Dave since we last hung out at NAMM. We talked about Revocation's upcoming new album "The Outer Ones" which he claims to be their heaviest yet. We talk about what inspires him like H.P. Lovecraft amongst other things. We talk about his...
Jun 19, 2018
Ep64 is with Jesse Matthewson of Ken Mode. He discusses their new record "Loved" due Aug. 31, 2018 through Seasons of Mist. What it was like working with legendary producer Steve Albini. We talk MMA and his trip to Thailand to train Muay Thai. We talk prowrestling and we talk beer. I had a blast talking with him and...
Jun 12, 2018
Ep63 is with Mike Scheidt of YOB. We talk about his battle with diverticulitis which literally sent him to his deathbed and his recovery from a brutal surgery. That whole process led to the writing of YOB's newest album "Our Raw Heart" which we also discuss. We dive into human behavior, psychology, existentialism...we...
Jun 5, 2018
Ep62 is with special guest Nick DePirro, guitarist for the band Night Verses. Nick came by the studio to show me their newest album "From the Gallery of Sleep" we talk about the band transitioning into an instrumental act. We talk about his career and how it's gotten to this point and we talk about a bunch of other...